Archive for: March, 2012

“Grouped” book review

I recently received a copy of “Grouped” by Paul Adams (the Global Brand Experience Manager at Facebook), at a Facebook developer conference in London. Grouped proved to be a quick, interesting read with some fascinating insights into the complex social and psychological workings of social networks and the people contained within them. This book contains […]

New blog

Hello! Welcome to my new blog, now hosted alongside my personal website. Please note that my old blog posts (including all things Pogoplug-related) are still available over at Any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I’ve already received a couple of Pogoplug-related questions since moving the blog – these topics will […]

Facebook Hackathon Lights

Facebook Hackathon!

I was lucky enough to attend the Facebook Hackathon developer conference today at RichMix in Central London. It was a day of technical presentations, all mobile development (and Facebook!) related. Most demos pushed the new functionality of Open Graph, a protocol that allows developers to connect their webpages with Facebook, and in particular, a Facebook […]